Our blog is all about Shoreditch - the good, the bad and the ugly. So far we have covered all sorts of stuff - from history and art to food and drink.
What we have been avoiding, at the risk of being a Shoreditch cliché, is the street art. It is a big part of what makes the area distinctive and we are lucky to have some amazingly talented people working here. So we’ve said enough, we can't avoid it any longer.
99Shoreditch has put together its own little tour of the great and the good in street art. It follows a route of sorts, if you don’t mind a lot of meandering and a bit of double-backing. Basically, if you start at Old St tube you will end up near Haggerston Park. We’re sure you will find some interesting watering holes along the way, if not, check previous blog posts for great pubs, bars and cafés on Calvert Ave, Redchurch St and Hoxton Square.
This is by no means definitive and we would love you to send your own favourites in here, or onto our twitter feed @99shoreditch. We’ve tried to credit the creators of these great pieces, but if you know the artist of some we have not managed to track down, then do let us know.
Final word - please don’t blame us if they are wrong, or even no longer there - it’s just the nature of the ever–changing beast that is street art.
All photos are original by @foxyfoxlet.
Location: City
Road Nr Old St tube
Artist: Ben Eine @beneine
Location: On Old St near
Pitfield Street
Artist: Anna Laurini @annalaurini

Location: On the corner of Pitfield St and Boot
Artist: Commissioned for Book Art Bookshop
Location: Hoxton
Pastry Union on Old Street/Great Eastern Street
Location: Charlotte Road
Artist: Ruby
Artist: Ruby
Location: Old St
Artist: Akse @Akse_P19
(#pants addition unknown)
Location: Leonard St
Artist: Will Vibes instagram: @vibes_ldn
Location: Clifton St
Artist: Will Vibes instagram: @vibes_ldn
Location: Corner of Holywell
Row and Scrutton Street
Artist: Bailon @bailon84
Location: On the roof of Jealous
Gallery on Curtain Road
Artist: Attai @butch_attai
This isn't here any more, but we like it. Jealous have a rolling programme of great street artwork on their roof. The current piece is Adam Bridgland 'The Eyes'
Location: Corner
of Curtain Road and Christina Street
Artist: Invader space-invaders.com
Location: Strongroom Bar and
Kitchen Curtain Road
Artist: Thierry Noir @NoirThierry

Location: Great Eastern St,
near Fairchild St
Artist: Stephen Powers @steveESPOpowers

Location: Great Eastern St,
near Fairchild St
Artist: Artist Zina @illuzina
Location: New
Inn Yard. Also not quite true,
the theatre was built by
James Burbage in 1576. The first purpose-built amphitheatre structure in London, it stood until their
lease ran out in 1597. They then re-used the timbers of the demolished structure to build the Globe theatre on Bankside in 1599
Location: New Inn Yard
Artist: Lakwena Maciver @lakwena

Location: Rivington Street
Artist: Cranio @cranioartes
Location: Rivington Street
Artist: Bambi @BambiArtist
Location: St Leonards Church Shoreditch
High St
Location: J W Levy Locksmith Bethnal Green Road
Artist: Jim Vision www.jimvision.co.uk
Artist: Jim Vision www.jimvision.co.uk
Location: Ebor Street
Shepard Fairey @OBEYGIANT

Location: Redchurch St
Artist: INSA @INSALAND Get the app GIF-ITI VIEWER app, to see the work brought to live when viewed
through this new Augmented Reality platform

Location: Whitby St
Artist: James
Cochran @akajimmyc
Location:Opposite Shoreditch High St Station

Location:Opposite Shoreditch High St Station
Artist: This isn’t street art! Don’t waste your time here, or even worse add to it
Location: All Sclater St
Artist: TRP crew, Brk, Snoe, Cept
Artist: TRP crew, Brk, Snoe, Cept
Artist: Gregos @GregosArt
Location: Princelet Street
Artist: ME BES @me_bes
Location: Princlelet
Artist: Stik @stik
Location: Princlelet
Artists: Stik @stik and Otto Schade @schadeo
Location: Star Yard,
off Brick Lane
Artist: Fanakapan Instagram: fanakapan
Location: Ezra St, Off Columbia Road
Location: Ezra St, Off Columbia Road
Location: Hanbury Street
Artists: ROA and Martin Ron @martinronmural
Location: Brick Lane
Artist: Type-ise
Location: Fournier St
Location: Regents Canal Nr Kingsland Road

Artist: Type-ise

Location: Hackney
Artist: ROA
Location: Hackney
Phew and finally, we're off...
Location: Bethnal green Ellsworth St
Artists: Louis Masai @louismasai and Jim
Vision @jim_vision
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