Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Joe Webb at Jealous Gallery

Joe Webb is an artist whose latest works have just come out of the Saatchi Gallery. A little intimidated, 99shoreditch went to meet him at Jealous Gallery, where he was signing his new work before it heads off to Art ’15 in Olympia this week.

In person he was not at all scary. Affable, open and keen to chat about his work and his affinity with Shoreditch, he told me it is the vibrant, creative vibe that runs throughout the area that he finds appealing. Jealous Gallery in particular is a great place for him to get inspiration - working and reworking his ideas, even whilst they are being printed.

The fact that everything is under one roof is also a real plus. The printing processes happens on the upper floors with the prints exhibited and sold in the gallery on the ground floor. 

Joe’s work is unpretentious, so instead of being instantly baffling, it invites you in and allows you to explore for yourself. He achieves this by taking existing images from vintage magazines and combining them into an intimate collage. Figures from different times and eras whisper and hug each other, in a romantic and timeless way. Photoshop is definitely not invited to this party. 

“I started making these simple hand-made collages as a sort of luddite reaction to working as a graphic artist on computers for many years. I like the limitations of collage, using found imagery and a pair of scissors, there are no Photoshop options to resize, adjust colours or undo.

My collages work to a basic rule of sourcing just two or three images, with these I can reinvent the original scene to communicate a new idea.

I suppose I’ve become fairly anti-technology, although I now promote my art on websites, own an iPhone and use Facebook. It’s confusing, I wish I had been born 100 years ago.” Joe Webb

This old-school approach is mirrored in the production techniques, producing hand-pulled screen prints rather than factory mechanical silkscreening.

Even if Joe’s work is not up in the gallery, Jealous is well worth a visit. It is an established space in its own right, whose energetic curators put on an ever-changing array of new and established artists. With friendly staff and very reasonable prices, you could even pick up a piece of original art in your lunch hour.

twitter: @jealous_gallery

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